Thirty Years Behind Bars: Kempis "Ghani" Songster and Terrell Carter [Part 1]

Kempis Songster, aKa Ghani, is a founding member of Right To Redemption Committee and the Coalition to abolish Death By Incarceration.  He is also co-founder and director of Ubuntu Philadelphia. Since his release in 2017 after 30 years in prison, starting when he was 15 years Old, Ghani has emerged as a leader in Philadelphia’s movement to end mass incarceration and to create restorative responses to harm and violence. He has his own podcast called “Move It Forward Show.</p> <p> Terrell Carter was born and raised in West Philadelphia. He is one of 10 siblings. He served over three decades of a Life Without Parole sentence and was released in July 2022. After having his sentence commuted by Governor Tom Wolf. While he was incarcerated, he was a hospice volunteer, authored three novels, short stories, and poems, facilitated workshops, graduated from Villanova and is currently pursuing a Masters in creative writing. He has dedicated his life towards bringing an end to the inhumane practice of condemning men, women, and children to die in prison and to restore hope in those who have had it stripped away. Terrell will share his personal story and his advocacy work.
Thirty Years Behind Bars: Kempis "Ghani" Songster and Terrell Carter [Part 1]
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