Kate Germond : Executive Director of "Centurion Ministries" in Princeton, NJ

Kate Germand joined Centurion Ministries in January of 1987 after reading an article in the NY Times about Jim McCloskey's pioneering work behalf of the wrongly convicted. She thought he might need some help. They met, they thought they could get along and for 30 years worked shoulder to shoulder to free the innocent from prison. Prior to that she was a business woman and community activist in Mendocino, California where she lived with her family for close to 20 years. With Jim's retirement in May 2015 Kate became the executive director of Centurion. For the time being Kate has had to put aside her passion of working in the field on cases until some of her hopes and dreams for Centurion come to fruition. Kate is grateful every single day for Jim's commitment in 1980 to free from prison a complete stranger.

This podcast is proudly sponsored by the Innocence Project of Florida. Visit www.floridainnocence.org for more information.
 Kate Germond : Executive Director of "Centurion Ministries" in Princeton, NJ
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