Discussing Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA) with Charles Moore [Part 1]

Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA) was founded in 1995 in order to offer incarcerated men and women a new sense of what was possible by expressing themselves through the creative arts: drawing, dancing, acting. The opportunity to immerse themselves in the creative process proved that change is possible.

Our guest today, Charles Moore, is the first RTA (Rehabilitation Through the Arts)alumni to be hired to work full time for the organization. He is currently the Director of Program and Operations, oversees program planning and management in all the facilities where RTA operates. He also audits workshops, coordinates alumni projects and manages the organization's steering committee. Charles has a Bachelors Degree in human services from Mercy University and a Masters in Professional Studies from New York Theological Seminary. He was incarcerated in Sing Sing for 12 years and spent 5 years at Woodbourne Correctional Facility in upstate NY.

To learn more about Rehabilitation Through the Arts, visit their website.
You can also donate to RTA here.

Watch the official Sing Sing trailer here.

View the CBC segment discussing Sing Sing here.

This podcast is proudly sponsored by the Innocence Project of Florida. Visit www.floridainnocence.org for more information.
Discussing Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA) with Charles Moore [Part 1]
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